Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Reason for Cowboys and Cowgirls Outfit

Most of them would wear boots with a heel to secure their feet in the stirrups. On their boots were spurs, decorated or plain, used to motivate their horse. They would wear jeans and long sleeved shirts to protect themselves from the sun and brush. They would also wear leather gloves to protect their hands during a hard day of cattle drives or fixing fence. Over their jeans they would wear chaps to help protect them from brush. Also, they would wear bandanas over their nose and mouth to keep from breathing in the dust.   Cowboys and Cowgirls would wear trench coats to help protect them from rain and winter weather. Some of those things are still worn by rodeo competitors, trail riders, and other horseback riders today. Do you think it is interesting that they do so even though they no longer do the things that those objects helped with like working cows or riding in harsh elements? Why do you think everyone still wears the traditional cowboy garb?

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