Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Disagreement on a Quote

“For the sake of animals, there’s nothing more powerful than changing your diet." - 1998 interview with Pacelle by Erik Marcus. I think that if God didn’t want humans to eat meat he wouldn’t have put animals here on earth. People use the animal to eat and use the body parts for clothing, shelter, and tools. Why should we change our diet to make those people happy? We don’t go around and tell people not to eat plants. If you think about this argument it isn’t practical. What I mean is if every person was a vegetarian we would have to refocus all of the agricultural and food production. There are not enough plants to feed the 6.8 billion people that live on the earth today.  When you consume meat it gives you protein and other essential nutrients not found naturally in plants. That is why I think eating meat is important. “Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity” says Voltaire.”

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